The School of Advanced Journalism announces the second stage of admission

Do you have higher education and ambition? Are you curious? Do you want a career in journalism? If yes, come to the School of Advanced Journalism (SAJ), and you will have the chance to become one of the best in the field. To enroll in our school, you don’t need any experience in journalism – all you need is a lot of desire, courage, perseverance, curiosity, and patience.
In ten months (that is the duration of studies at the SAJ), you will learn to write the best news stories, edit interviews for radio, film and edit the most interesting TV reports, participate together with colleagues in the production and editing of a local newspaper. The School will provide all the necessary equipment: voice recorder, photo and video cameras, a personal computer. You will have the chance to work in a real editorial office.
You will work together and along with the best journalists from the country and from abroad. From Vasile Butnaru you will learn the secret of the best radio material. Vitalie Dogaru and Diana Raileanu will teach you what a news story is and what questions it must answer. With Nicolae Pojoga you will discover the world of photography. Dumitru Marian will teach you to film, and Dorin Scobioala will tell you how to do the best stand-up. Angela Ivanesi will open to you the door to the world of media design, and you will learn to lay out a newspaper page.
Liliana Barbarosie will tell you about key words in an online article, from Oxana Iutes you will learn to do the best TV report, and Alina Radu will make you see what it feels like to be an investigative reporter. Alina Turcanu and Sorina Stefarta will bring you the latest national and foreign political news, Vladimir Bolea will tell you about world economy, and Anatolie Cislaru will tell you how to “humanize” figures in business news. Towards the end of the year, from Lilia Curchi you will learn how to write reports about the environment, and Petru Macovei will teach you to produce the best local newspaper.
Are you intrigued? Don’t hesitate – fill your personal file in and come to the SAJ right now!
Files can be submitted by June 30, 2016, at 17.00, and they must contain:
- CV
- Form (download)
- Motivation letter
- Three journalistic materials (not necessarily published), or you can write an essay on a free topic
- Two recommendations
- Copy of the graduate degree diploma (2016 graduates can submit a certificate from their educational institution confirming that they are in their last year of study)
- Copy of the identity card
Files can be submitted at the SAJ office at the following address: no. 49/4 Tighina Street (3rd floor); or you can email them at (* replace AT with “@” and DOT with “.”).
For further details regarding admission, please contact: Veronica Marin - telephone:, 079909414
Come to write your success story together with us!