Magazine Journalism, or How an Idea Can Turn Into a Magazine

What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine? What is brand? How is a magazine created? These are questions that SAJ students sought answers to at the course of Magazine Journalism. The course is a debut for the School of Advanced Journalism, and it was led by communication expert Ludmila Andronic, chairperson of the Press Council.
The course lasted three days, during which future journalists learned what a magazine is and, more importantly, how it is “thought up.” Ludmila Andronic told students about the features characteristic to a magazine, and she also discussed with them about the cover, which, in the trainer’s opinion, is the element that “sells” a magazine, and about the specificity of a magazine journalist’s work. The most interesting moment of the course was practical exercise. Students worked at producing their own magazine – from idea, target audience, name, number of pages, to sending it to print. The exercise was very interesting and useful.
Young people had a first-hand experience of working in an editorial office and saw how important communication and the responsibility of each team member are. “As an editor-in-chief, I understood that behind a magazine and its cover there is an entire team of people who work for their readers,” said student Nicolae Galaju. Ludmila Andronic, trainer of the course, was impressed by SAJ students’ achievements and noted the dedication that they proved during the course. “If you keep working with the same passion, you will definitely succeed,” she said in the end.
The next course under the current schedule of the SAJ is Long-Form Articles.