Magazine Journalism, the Course Where Students Make an Actual Publication

What is the specificity of magazine journalism? What is the difference between a magazine and a newspaper? How can one catch the attention of today’s readers and what are the key elements that make a periodical attractive? These are some of the questions the SAJ students found answers to at the course of Magazine Journalism. Ludmila Andronic, expert in communication, was the one who familiarized them with the world of magazines.
This is the second year when this course is held at the School of Advanced Journalism. Therefore, the second class of students got the opportunity to learn some of the most interesting secrets that hide behind the cover of a modern magazine, whether it is focused on social life, business or culture. During the three days of the course, students spoke with Ludmila Andronic about the concept and specificity of a magazine, learned why it is important to balance content, sections and images and what elements make such a media product attractive. According to the trainer, “a successful magazine must be thought of as a business.”
The culminating moment of the course was, as it usually happens at the SAJ, practical exercise. This time students had to create their own magazine, from concept to layout and printing. It was the first time when they felt the way an editorial office works. They formed a team of reporters, delegated an editor-in-chief and started planning. After a week of writing and gathering materials, when the magazine was printed, they admitted that it was not easy at all. Nevertheless, they did quite well.
Student Elmira Orozova, who was the editor-in-chief, says that the magazine, which they named L’ART DE VIVRE, represented the work of the entire team. “The effort is visible in what we managed to create. It was quite hard, but very interesting and exciting at the same time,” the young journalist concluded.
At the end of the course, Ludmila Andronic congratulated students for the final product and encouraged them to continue what they started this autumn at the School of Advanced Journalism. “Don’t give up your dreams. The first step is always hard. But never be afraid of failure,” the trainer added.